Ansible 7.5.0 is out now

Since I moved to Stockholm, I hated the weather more than the practice behavior of the Sun. But today, it did some good; it woke me up at 4:40 and felt like 7:00, so I started working. And what a productive day it was :). I have been doing…

Keynote in PyCon Italia, 2023

My friend Dr. Brett Canon [], CPython Core Dev, once said, "Came for the language and stayed for the community." It is a little different for me. I Came for the community and stayed for the love of it. I joined…

Dgplug summer training, 2022

dgplug summer training 2022 [] will start at 13:00 UTC, 25th July. This is our 15th edition. Following our tradition, we have updated and modified our training based on the feedback from the old participants and community at large. There shall be more experiments for the betterment…

Update on infrastructure

This summer we are having 15th edition of Dgplug [] summer training. July, 2022 is when the training begins. It was a long due task on me to revamp the infrastructure. Website update Our [] website is now all ready with it’s new…

Using Mailvelope with Yubikey in Linux

Mailvelope [] is an extension on web browsers to send end to end encrypted emails. This is a good option available to the users to send end to end encrypted without changing the email service they use. It is licensed under AGPL v3 […

Software Licenses : Legalese to English

When I was doing a licensing survey in the Fedora ecosystem. I asked a few developers, "What is license according to them?" I got some interesting answers: "I do not care about the license; it bores me." - a super senior developer says this. (not a…

PyLadies India June meetup

We, PyLadies, have started our journey for quite a sometime now. Every year since 2016, we are growing in numbers and chapters. Currently, we have eight active chapters and counting. The COVID pandemic has somehow stopped our course of having physical meetups. But on a brighter note, the situation has…

Dot Org is still a safe haven for the folks depending on dot org

Today I woke up to great news. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, ICAAN, has rejected the .org sale proposal [] . What is ICAAN? ICAAN [] is a non-profit and American multi-stakeholder organisation. It is…