Event Driven Ansible, what, why and how?

Ansible Playbooks is the known term, now there is a new term which is being floted in the project, which is Ansible Rulebooks. Today we are going to discuss about Ansible's journey from Playbook to Rulebook rather Playbook with Rulebook. What is Event Driven Ansible? What is Event…

CfgMgmtCamp 2024

Ansible Contributor Summit is one of Ansible's most significant and undoubtedly crucial events, now renamed Ansible Colab. It occurs on the last day of Config Management Camp at Ghent. Traditionally, the conference takes place next Monday to Wednesday after Fosdem. We started from Brussels in the afternoon on…

Ansible 8.3.0 out now

I released the Ansible 8.3.0 on 15th August, 2023. This is the Ansible stable release. You can read the full Changelog here [https://github.com/ansible-community/ansible-build-data/blob/main/7/CHANGELOG-v8.rst] You can install it via pip. python3 -m pip install ansible==8.3.0 --user You…

Two more Ansible Releases

After coming from DevConf.cz [https://www.devconf.info/cz/], on 22nd of June I released Ansible Community Package 7.7.0 and 8.1.0. This is the last release of the Ansible 7 series and first minor release of the Ansible 8 series. Ansible Community Package 7.7.…

Ansible Automation Forum for Public Sector organizations

Last Friday 5th of May, the Red Hat Ansible team facilitated an Automation Forum at Arbetsförmedlingen [https://www.linkedin.com/company/arbetsformedlingen/?lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_detail_base%3Bm1TpLDwjQ2Ort%2Bp2%2F1k6vQ%3D%3D] for Swedish Public sector authorities. We had different public sectors organizations such as Municipalities, Swedish…

Event Driven Ansible, it is

We had our 3rd Ansible Stockholm Meetup [https://www.meetup.com/ansible-stockholm/events/292825770/] on the 3rd of May, 2023, at Sunet [https://sunet.se/]. It was the time to learn about Event Driven Ansible [https://www.ansible.com/use-cases/event-driven-automation]. Wikipedia says Event-driven architecture is a software architecture paradigm…

Bare minimum vim setup for YAML

I am spending my days with Ansible [https://www.ansible.com/] and Kubernetes [https://kubernetes.io/]. This means I am writing YAML [https://yaml.org/] files all day long. I invariably spend a significant portion of my working hours fixing indentations in the YAML files. I am sure this is…