Looking back to Euro Python 2024

Over the years, when  I am low, I always go to the 2014 Euro Python talk  "Farewell and Welcome Home: Python in Two Genders" by Naomi. It has become the first step of my coping mechanism and the door to my safe house. Though 2024 marked my Euro…

How to add a renew hook for certbot?

After moving the foss.training [https://foss.training/]server to a new location, we found that TLS certificate was expired. I had looked and figured out that though certbot [https://foss.training/] renewed the certificate, it never reloaded the nginx [https://www.nginx.com/]. Now to make sure that nginx…

Server migration for blogs.dgplug.org

I have been maintaining dgplug [https://dgplug.org/] infrastructure for sometime now. We have a blogging platform, blogs.dgplug.org [https://blogs.dgplug.org] for our community. We were planning to migrate it to the latest version of Operating System and the blogging software, but my post covid symptoms hindered…

How to use Let’s Encrypt with nginx and docker

In my last blog post, I shared the story on how did I set my server up. I mentioned that I’d be writing about getting SSL certificates, so here you go. When I started working on a remote server somewhere out there in the globe and letting that come…