Looking back to Euro Python 2024

Over the years, when  I am low, I always go to the 2014 Euro Python talk  "Farewell and Welcome Home: Python in Two Genders" by Naomi. It has become the first step of my coping mechanism and the door to my safe house. Though 2024 marked my Euro…

Euro Python 2024

It is July, and it is time for Euro Python, and 2024 is my first Euro Python. Some busy days are on the way. Like every other conference, I have my diary, and the conference days are full of various activities. Day 0 of the main conference After a long…

Test container image with eercheck

Execution Environments serves us the benefits of containerization by solving the issues such as software dependencies, portability. Ansible Execution Environment are Ansible control nodes packaged as container images. There are two kinds of Ansible execution environments * Base, includes the following * fedora base image * ansible core * ansible collections : The following set…

Opening up Ansible release to the community

Transparency, collaboration, inclusivity, and openness lay the foundation of the Open Source community. As the project's maintainers, few of our tasks make the entry bar of contribution low, collaboration easy, and the governance model fair. Ansible Community Engineering Team always thrives on these purposes through our different endeavors.…

CfgMgmtCamp 2024

Ansible Contributor Summit is one of Ansible's most significant and undoubtedly crucial events, now renamed Ansible Colab. It occurs on the last day of Config Management Camp at Ghent. Traditionally, the conference takes place next Monday to Wednesday after Fosdem. We started from Brussels in the afternoon on…

Fosdem, 2024

"What, a technology conference has a legal and policy track! This is the conference for me to be in. " That was me in 2017. I dreamed of attending Fosdem but could not attend one (even though my talk was selected). 2024 marked my debutante year in Fosdm. Fosdem…

Ansible 8.3.0 out now

I released the Ansible 8.3.0 on 15th August, 2023. This is the Ansible stable release. You can read the full Changelog here [https://github.com/ansible-community/ansible-build-data/blob/main/7/CHANGELOG-v8.rst] You can install it via pip. python3 -m pip install ansible==8.3.0 --user You…

Two more Ansible Releases

After coming from DevConf.cz [https://www.devconf.info/cz/], on 22nd of June I released Ansible Community Package 7.7.0 and 8.1.0. This is the last release of the Ansible 7 series and first minor release of the Ansible 8 series. Ansible Community Package 7.7.…