Looking back to Euro Python 2024

Over the years, when  I am low, I always go to the 2014 Euro Python talk  "Farewell and Welcome Home: Python in Two Genders" by Naomi. It has become the first step of my coping mechanism and the door to my safe house. Though 2024 marked my Euro…

CopyleftConf 2020

A week before Software Freedom Conservancy [https://sfconservancy.org/] had announced the CopyleftConf 2020 [https://2020.copyleftconf.org/]. The conference is going to take place on 3 February 2020, Monday, in Brussels, Belgium. The first edition of CopyleftConf took place in February 2019 [https://2019.copyleftconf.org/]. One can have…

Developers, it's License but it's easy

I recently conducted a session on “Software Licensing: The Basic Concepts.” Just after I mentioned the term, “license”, questions flooded in. One of those was quite interesting, “How do we create a copyright license?” I couldn’t get to it in time that day, so I thought, why not answer…

My talk about software licenses in PyCon India

The title for my talk was "The trends in choosing licenses in Python ecosystem". As a lawyer what interests me is the legal foundation of the open source world. It is the licenses, which defines the reach of the software. Most of the developers would frown their eyebrows…

See you PyLadies at PyCon India

PyCon India 2016 has started today. The Day 0 was the devsprint. Reached the venue late ( actually never thought would be able to attend due to my food pipe infection issue). Met friends which is one of the most attractive point of attending the conference apart from learning new things…

A walk of licenses in PyPI

When I was doing the license research [http://anweshadas.in/software-licenses-in-fedora-ecosystem/] for the Fedora Project I came searching for other projects to do the similar kind of work. I code in Python. So I was searching that which licenses are being commonly used for Python projects. I did my research…