Looking back to Euro Python 2024

Over the years, when  I am low, I always go to the 2014 Euro Python talk  "Farewell and Welcome Home: Python in Two Genders" by Naomi. It has become the first step of my coping mechanism and the door to my safe house. Though 2024 marked my Euro…

Euro Python 2024

It is July, and it is time for Euro Python, and 2024 is my first Euro Python. Some busy days are on the way. Like every other conference, I have my diary, and the conference days are full of various activities. Day 0 of the main conference After a long…

“Code is law” .. Technology is the regulator for today.

The technology leads, and the law follows, or is it vice a versa? Both sides are trying to prove their superiority above the other. Thus the situation has lead to much distance between the two. Both these species use Language (legal and programming) to attain their vision. However, both of…

Have a safer internet

Today, 5th February is the safer internet day [https://www.saferinternetday.org/]. The primary aim of this day is to advance the safe and positive use of digital technology for children and young people. Moreover, it promotes the conversation over this issue. So let us discuss a few ideas.The…

My talk about software licenses in PyCon India

The title for my talk was "The trends in choosing licenses in Python ecosystem". As a lawyer what interests me is the legal foundation of the open source world. It is the licenses, which defines the reach of the software. Most of the developers would frown their eyebrows…