Euro Python 2024

It is July, and it is time for Euro Python, and 2024 is my first Euro Python. Some busy days are on the way. Like every other conference, I have my diary, and the conference days are full of various activities. Day 0 of the main conference After a long…

PyLadies at PyCon

In 2013, I was going through PyCon photos. The album was full of pictures of very serious looking geeks engrossed in their favorite back and green screen. Suddenly I saw the photos of people laughing, enjoying and joking . Many of them were women. Dazzled by the beautiful ladies, I asked…

My bunnyuncle

PyCon Pune devs sprint hardware room time 10 AM The room was full with engineering students, professional engineers, hardware guys. And among them there was me, a lawyer and I do not understand a single bit of hardware. I was cursing myself why am I here. In fact I have…

My talk about software licenses in PyCon India

The title for my talk was "The trends in choosing licenses in Python ecosystem". As a lawyer what interests me is the legal foundation of the open source world. It is the licenses, which defines the reach of the software. Most of the developers would frown their eyebrows…

First time PyLadies presence in Pycon India

The title for the blog post is not something I wrote but copy pasted a tweet [] by @kushaldas. Kushal [] is being attending PyCon India since 2010, a year after it started. This one tweet of his says if not the whole…