Ansible Community Day, India, 2023

Ansible community is not a monolith but a community of communities. We have 20+ sub-projects inside the Ansible ecosystem []. Sometimes it is nearly impossible to keep track of what is happening on the other part of the project. Ansible Community Days are an initiative…

Running Snowflake proxy

Snowflake [] is a technology to allow people from all over the world to access censored applications and websites. > Similar to how VPNs assist users in getting around Internet censorship, Snowflake helps you avoid being noticed by Internet censors by making your Internet activity appear as…

Bare minimum vim setup for YAML

I am spending my days with Ansible [] and Kubernetes []. This means I am writing YAML [] files all day long. I invariably spend a significant portion of my working hours fixing indentations in the YAML files. I am sure this is…

"Python for Everyone": learning Python

I conceptualized "Python for Everyone" to help women who want to start their careers in technology. After the introduction sessions, it was time for us to learn real "Technology". What better to start with than Python? Python 101 Part I in Sunet Sunet [https://www.sunet.…

How to add a renew hook for certbot?

After moving the []server to a new location, we found that TLS certificate was expired. I had looked and figured out that though certbot [] renewed the certificate, it never reloaded the nginx []. Now to make sure that nginx…

Python for Everyone, yes it is

I moved to Sweden a few months back. I met a lot of women like me who came from different countries. Many of them had flourishing careers in their respective countries. Teacher, architect, economist, marketing professional, HR, lawyer, you name it. But now, in this country, they cannot find a…

How to use Network Time Security on your system

But what is Network Time Security (NTS)? To understand NTS, first we have to get familiar with NTP. NTP, Network Time Protocol is a networking protocol for clock synchronization. In simple terms this protocol helps your system to get correct time. RFC 5905 []…

Dgplug summer training, 2022

dgplug summer training 2022 [] will start at 13:00 UTC, 25th July. This is our 15th edition. Following our tradition, we have updated and modified our training based on the feedback from the old participants and community at large. There shall be more experiments for the betterment…