A walk of licenses in PyPI

When I was doing the license research [http://anweshadas.in/software-licenses-in-fedora-ecosystem/] for the Fedora Project I came searching for other projects to do the similar kind of work. I code in Python. So I was searching that which licenses are being commonly used for Python projects. I did my research…

PyLadies Pune Chapter flocked again in August

On our July meet up itself we have fixed a date for our August meet up, i.e 10.08.2016. I had to do a little multitasking to reach the event. My dear husband (when your husband is not around for few weeks he seems to be 'dear&…

Journey of Rebooting PyLadies Pune : mini debianconf, 2016

For the last few months we are trying to reboot the PyLadies Pune Chapter. In the process of doing so we are trying to garden the PyLadies community. There was mini debian conference [http://in2016.mini.debconf.org/] happening in College of Engineering Pune. So,I thought why not use…

Encryption, a twisted tale

Encryption If we search the web for what does encryption mean Wikipedia gives us this definition "In cryptography, encryption is the process of encoding messages or information in such a way that only authorized parties can read it. Encryption does not of itself prevent interception, but denies the message…

Software Licenses in Fedora Ecosystem

October,2011, I got to know a man who has Fedoralism as his religion. Before that I had no idea about that another kind of Fedora, other than a curled brim hat exists. I considered the option 'giyf' and it showed me about "Fedora Project"(oh…