Women in tech, Stockholm 2023

What does a good day look like? For me, it is the day to spend with friends and doing what I love the most, talking and spreading knowledge about Open Source. Yesterday was one such day. Yesterday was my first-ever Women in Tech Sweden [https://womenintech.se/] event. The first…

Ansible Community Day, India, 2023

Ansible community is not a monolith but a community of communities. We have 20+ sub-projects inside the Ansible ecosystem [https://docs.ansible.com/ecosystem.html]. Sometimes it is nearly impossible to keep track of what is happening on the other part of the project. Ansible Community Days are an initiative…

Running Snowflake proxy

Snowflake [https://snowflake.torproject.org/] is a technology to allow people from all over the world to access censored applications and websites. > Similar to how VPNs assist users in getting around Internet censorship, Snowflake helps you avoid being noticed by Internet censors by making your Internet activity appear as…

Bare minimum vim setup for YAML

I am spending my days with Ansible [https://www.ansible.com/] and Kubernetes [https://kubernetes.io/]. This means I am writing YAML [https://yaml.org/] files all day long. I invariably spend a significant portion of my working hours fixing indentations in the YAML files. I am sure this is…

Different VirtualHost entries for IPv4 and IPv6 in apache

The VirtualHost [https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/vhosts/examples.html] directive in Apache [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_HTTP_Server] configuration enables us to run multiple websites on a single server. I wanted to have two different VirtualHost entries for the same domain on different IPv4 [https:…

Setting up Qubes OS mirror at dgplug.org

I am trying to work on my sys-admin skills for a some time now. I was already maintaining my own blog, I was pondering to learn Ansible [https://ansible.com]. DGPLUG [https://dgplug.org] was planning to create a new Qubes OS mirror. So I took the opportunity to learn…