Difference between chcon and semanage

SELinux Security Enhanced Linux, SELinux is the discretionary access control in the Linux distribution. This extra layer of security keeps the user's data safe in the system. SELinux context contains additional information, labels attached to each process, and files to determine the SELinux policy. The extra details about…

Gnome wins the battle against the patent troll

The Gnome Foundation settled the dispute with Rothschild Patent Imaging (RPIL), RPIL agrees not to sue Gnome further for any intellectual property infringement. RPIL also signed to an undertaking to that effect. In the last week of September 2019, Rothschild Patent Imaging (RPIL) filed a lawsuit against the Gnome Foundation.…

Looking at the process through psutil and Python

Lately I have been trying to improve my system administration skills. I needed to monitor some of the running processes. To do that I used psutil [https://psutil.readthedocs.io/en/latest/] module in Python. It is a cross platform module to parse the information about running process. It also…

Dot Org is still a safe haven for the folks depending on dot org

Today I woke up to great news. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, ICAAN, has rejected the .org sale proposal [https://www.theverge.com/2020/4/30/21241946/icann-dot-org-isoc-ethos-capital-sale-rejected] . What is ICAAN? ICAAN [https://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/ICANN-Internet-Corporation-for-Assigned-Names-and-Numbers] is a non-profit and American multi-stakeholder organisation. It is…

Taking backup for znc instance in Python

IRC [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat] plays an invaluable role in the life of so many people, separated by so many miles. It has been the primary source of communication for the Free and Open Source community for decades, now. In my last post [http://anweshadas.in/…

Setting up a znc service

Here is an installation guide of znc [https://znc.in] on Fedora [https://getfedora.org/] 31 : Install the znc package sudo dnf install znc The current version of znc in Fedora 31 is znc-1.7.5-1.fc31.x86_64. Configure znc The next was to configure znc. sudo -u znc…

Internet Shutdown Panel at NullCon, 2020

Internet shutdown has become a pretty regular event in today’s world. India has seen the most number of shutdowns. Internet shutdowns are the “intentional disruption” of wired connection or mobile internet and /or both. Primarily carried on by the Government authorities with the aim of controlling the communication and…

Analysis of Aarogya Setu

The COVID 19 pandemic has changed the world we knew. Individuals, Government, everybody is trying to fight it out, cope with it. But to deal with the immediate problem, we often overlook the issues which are brought by the solutions. The Government of India has developed an app called Aarogya…