Dot Org is still a safe haven for the folks depending on dot org

Today I woke up to great news. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, ICAAN, has rejected the .org sale proposal [] . What is ICAAN? ICAAN [] is a non-profit and American multi-stakeholder organisation. It is…

The scary digital world

The horror Some years ago, my husband and I were looking for houses to rent. We both were in different cities and were having a telephone conversation. We had three or four phone calls to discuss this. After that, I opened my laptop and turned on my then browser, Google.…

How to use Let’s Encrypt with nginx and docker

In my last blog post, I shared the story on how did I set my server up. I mentioned that I’d be writing about getting SSL certificates, so here you go. When I started working on a remote server somewhere out there in the globe and letting that come…

Setting up my own server

A long, long time ago a mortgage lawyer started to write her blog, just to get familiar with several crazy newfangled things called computers and the internet by using them to do something she liked, writing. So she started writing a blog using something called Wordpress []. The…