The mistakes I did in my blog posts

Today we will be discussing the mistakes I did with my blog posts. I started (seriously) writing blogs a year back. A few of my posts got a pretty nice response. The praise put me in seventh heaven. I thought I was a fairly good blogger.But after almost a…

Blocking of in India

My morning starts with the quick look at twitter. Yesterday some tweets drew my attention - The Internet Archive over at has been blocked in India. There was a long thread going on, and people were asking, updating thoughts and opinions on the matter. Ok, this…

Developers, it's License but it's easy

I recently conducted a session on “Software Licensing: The Basic Concepts.” Just after I mentioned the term, “license”, questions flooded in. One of those was quite interesting, “How do we create a copyright license?” I couldn’t get to it in time that day, so I thought, why not answer…

How to upload a package in PyPI using twine ?

While I was working on my project on software licensing, I noticed that there are several packages in PyPI [] which do not have a requirements.txt file (the file mentioning the dependencies). License files, though not a rare species but surely an endangered one in…

gitcen : censusing the git

In the developers’ sprint at PyCon US, I was sitting in the MicroPython room. After the second half, many of the developers left the room. The room turned into a Tundra region (I came from a place where the temperature was 40C). The only option left was to get into…

PyLadies Pune June meet up

The one thing I missed the most, in PyCon US, 2017, was my PyLadies Pune group. We were hoping to contribute to projects individually and as a group for a long time now. For our June meetup, we planned to give a shape to this idea. Kushal […