Event Driven Ansible, it is

We had our 3rd Ansible Stockholm Meetup [https://www.meetup.com/ansible-stockholm/events/292825770/] on the 3rd of May, 2023, at Sunet [https://sunet.se/]. It was the time to learn about Event Driven Ansible [https://www.ansible.com/use-cases/event-driven-automation]. Wikipedia says Event-driven architecture is a software architecture paradigm…

Ansible 7.5.0 is out now

Since I moved to Stockholm, I hated the weather more than the practice behavior of the Sun. But today, it did some good; it woke me up at 4:40 and felt like 7:00, so I started working. And what a productive day it was :). I have been doing…

Keynote in PyCon Italia, 2023

My friend Dr. Brett Canon [https://www.linkedin.com/in/drbrettcannon/?originalSubdomain=ca], CPython Core Dev, once said, "Came for the language and stayed for the community." It is a little different for me. I Came for the community and stayed for the love of it. I joined…

Ansible Community Day, India, 2023

Ansible community is not a monolith but a community of communities. We have 20+ sub-projects inside the Ansible ecosystem [https://docs.ansible.com/ecosystem.html]. Sometimes it is nearly impossible to keep track of what is happening on the other part of the project. Ansible Community Days are an initiative…

First time PyLadies presence in Pycon India

The title for the blog post is not something I wrote but copy pasted a tweet [https://twitter.com/kushaldas/status/779870562092855296] by @kushaldas. Kushal [https://kushaldas.in] is being attending PyCon India since 2010, a year after it started. This one tweet of his says if not the whole…