PyLadies Pune Chapter flocked again in August

On our July meet up itself we have fixed a date for our August meet up, i.e 10.08.2016.

I had to do a little multitasking to reach the event. My dear husband (when your husband is not around for few weeks he seems to be 'dear':)) was returning from Flock. So we slept at 6 in the morning and woke up at 9AM cause we need to reach the event by 10:30AM or so.

Again thankful to Red Hat and Rupali for letting our event to happen in the Red Hat office. After reaching the venue I saw that the whole set up for meet up was done in the cafeteria. So first two sessions happened there and for the workshop we moved to our favorite " Harishchandraghar" (and that too without trekking hard :)).

Our first speaker was Nisha Menon Poyarekar. Her talk was on Communication - The open source etiquette for our FOSS session. In the open source world we build PyLadies Pune Chapter uniting again in August our image and profile over the internet. People you know you how you talk over the internet. She shared some guidelines about How to ask smart questions?. So before you ask a question please google it. Most of the cases you will get some answer if not then only ask people. She had also shared the piece of advice for communication. Very importantly that we must have to grow a little bit thick skin to work hassle free. Generally the criticism is for your contribution but not for the contributor. The part I loved the most is that she said 'Give Back' to the community. The COMMUNITY is bigger than code. So you should give priority to the community that it should grow, stick together. I personally just loved her talk. Hopefully by attending this session we, PyLadies will not communication mistakes again. Thanks Nisha :)

Then it was the talk to talk session. This time we were listing to the Keynote, PyCon 2015 by Jacob Kaplan Moss. How nice to hear that he started his talk by referring to PyLadies auction :). He said that to be a successful programmer one does not have to be a superbly intelligent great programmer. A mediocre programmer with certain practiced set of skills will be truly successful.He gave stress on the women working in the industry, showed their journey through graphs. I just loved that part where he has mentioned that Lynn Root said that it is not the great programmers in PyLadies that makes her happy but that whole bunch of average women programmers in PyLadies, makes her happy. On a personal note this talk has been an encouragement to me. It gave me the confidence even I can do something good for this community.

The lunch time discussion was very useful. We discussed about the next meet up - dates, topics etc. Also what everyone wants from the group and future of the same.

Next was the 'Hands on Python' session by Chandan Kumar. He covered - string, list and a little bit of file operations and functions. Typing still remains the biggest problem for me :(. It was quite an interactive session. Everyone was participating. Chandan at the end of the session gave a problem to us, i.e. to make a new directory consisting of all the audio files in your system, through a program. So, everyone who has missed the session can try it at home. Thank you Chandan:)

Thanks Ganesh Kadam helping us to do set ups and Praveen Kumar for helping during hands on Session.

See you Ladies at the next meet up on 10th September at Red Hat office.