Ansible Community Day, India, 2023

Ansible community is not a monolith but a community of communities. We have 20+ sub-projects inside the Ansible ecosystem. Sometimes it is nearly impossible to keep track of what is happening on the other part of the project.

Ansible Community Days are an initiative by the Ansible Community to connect the broader community with the local chapters. It is a way to help the global community to know what is happening in the regional pockets and vice versa. It is a platform for both the upstream and downstream to meet. 2020 - 2022 have been two crucial years of a pandemic for our community. We missed meeting in person. Communty days allow us to revive old connections and make new ones.

Ansible Community Day India, 2023 is an event to gather the Ansible Community in India post-pandemic. It is a day-long community-focused event to discuss the project, community and the broader ecosystem. We will have a day full of talks, workshops, and BoF sessions. The discussion ranges from user pain points, upstream solutions, a new development in the Ansible project, a summary of Contributor Summit 2023, the state of the community, and plans for now and the future.

The event is happening on 25th February, 2023 at Red Hat office Pune. The schedule for the event is out now. One can register for the event following this link. To know more about the event and the organizing plan, please follow this document

Join us in the endeavor and share your Ansible story with us. See you at the event.